Sunday, May 9, 2010

Camp Food Prep!

This past Wednesday, we had combined young women and we had a great turn out.

Different girls were at different stations at different times. We made cookies, and other meals for eating up at camp! Karalee brought a great recipe for her family's buttermilk pancakes. We made strawberry syrup to go with the delicious pancakes. Sister Walters, and Sister Broderick brought their Food Saver vacum to seal up the food. Jeff joined us and helped out. He mostly helped Rachel, Ryanne and I make cookies. The cookies didn't come out how we wanted to (see below) but they were still delicious. We got to have the MontaƱo girls with us and it was a lot of fun. We sang camp songs while we prepared these delectable meals. After we were all done we took turns washing dishes and putting the food into coolers. This was a great idea! Thank you Sister Broderick for planning these wonderful meals!

We took some great pictures. Here are some of the ones I took (click to enlarge and sorry for the blurry ones).